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The majority of young Muslims in the UK express a desire for Islamic law

A recent survey revealed that approximately one-third of Muslims living in the United Kingdom desire to establish Islam as the nation's official religion and implement the strict system of Sharia law, which includes punishments like beheadings and amputations. 

Among younger Muslims aged 18-24, 20% believed that making Islam the national religion was "very desirable," and 43% supported redefining the UK as an Islamic state. Only 16% opposed this notion.

In terms of sympathy towards terrorist activities, 1 in 4 British Muslim men expressed positive views on Jihad. A significant percentage of British Muslims sympathized with Hamas (46%) and even more so among younger Muslims (58%). Conversely, there was minimal sympathy for Israel. Previously, 1 in 4 Muslims had sympathized with the 7/7 suicide bombers in London.

52% of Muslims supported a ban on "Mohammed cartoons," which has been used to justify violence and terrorist attacks, such as the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris. In 2015, a Telegraph report indicated that 1 in 4 Muslims supported the Hebdo attacks. Among younger Muslim immigrants, 59% supported a blasphemy ban, with only 20% opposed.

Regarding food practices, 57% of Muslim settlers in the UK favored the "compulsory use of Halal food in all schools and hospitals." Among younger settlers, 67% supported this mandate.

The imposition of Sharia law would likely conflict with the values of many on the political left, particularly concerning social and lifestyle choices. 20% of Muslims wanted to legalize polygamy, and 25% wanted to ban homosexuality. Although a majority of Muslim immigrants did not fully commit to these moves, both measures had similar levels of support and opposition.

39% of UK Muslims supported the formation of a Muslim political party, potentially similar to those established by Muslim Brotherhood movements in other countries. Only 16% were opposed. Among younger Muslim immigrants, 46% favored a Muslim political party to vie for power in Britain, which could potentially enforce.

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